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Kidney stones also called renal calculi, nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis are hard deposits made of salts and minerals. Diet, excess body weight, certain medical conditions, some supplements and medications are among the many causes of kidney stones. Passing kidney stones can be quiet painful, but the stones usually cause no permanent damage if recognized and treated timely.

Small kidney stones may pass through your urinary tract without treatment. Whereas larger kidney stones that block the urinary tract or cause immense pain needs urgent treatment. If a kidney stone is suspected certain diagnostic tests and procedures are conducted such as:

  • Blood tests- they reveal about the calcium or uric acid levels in blood.
  • Urine testing- it may show which minerals are excreted in urine.
  • Imaging- high- speed or dual energy computerized tomography may reveal even tiny stones. Ultrasound, non-invasive test is quick to perform, is another imaging option.


Small stone with minimal symptoms-

Most small kidney stones wont requires invasive treatments. It can be managed by following ways-

  • Drinking water-  drinking as much as 1.8 to 3.6 litres a day will keep the urine diluted and may prevent stone formation.
  • Pain relievers- passing a small stone may cause some pain and discomfort. To relieve pain certain medications like ibuprofen or naproxen sodium.
  • Medical therapy- certain medications like alpha blockers helps relax the muscles of ureter and helps passing the stone more quickly with less pain.

Large stone removal

A larger stone can be removed by breaking it down into smaller pieces by following procedures-

  • Cystoscopy and ureteroscopy-  during cystoscopy, the doctor uses a cystoscope to look inside the urethra and bladder to locate the stone. During ureteroscopy, the doctor uses a ureteroscope, which is longer and thinner than a cystoscope, to see the detailed images of the lining of the ureters and kidneys. The cystoscope or ureteroscope is inserted through the urethra to see the urinary tract. Once the stone is located it is then broken down into small pieces.
  • Extracorpeal Shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)- this procedure is used to blast the kidney stone into pieces. The smaller pieces of the kidney stone then pass through the urinary tract. ESWL uses sound waves to create strong vibrations that breaks the stones into small pieces that can be passed in urine. The procedure may last about 45minutes to 60 minutes and can cause moderate pain.
  • Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL)- in this intervention, the doctor uses a thin viewing tool, called nephroscope, to locate and remove the kidney stone. This tool is inserted into the kidney through a small cut made in the back. For larger stones laser may be used to break the kidney stones into small pieces.  After PCNL, a tube is usually left in the kidney to drain urine into the bag outside of the body. This will allow for drainage of urine and stope bleeding.
  • Parathyroid glad surgery- some of the calcium phosphate stones are caused by overactive parathyroid glands. When these glands produce excessive hormone the calcium levels increase and may result in kidney stone formation.
  • Ureteroscopy (URS)-  the ureteroscope lets the doctor see the stone without making an incision. Once the stone is located, a small basket like device grabs the smaller stones and removes them. Once the stone has been removed a temporary stent is placed in the ureter. A stent is a tiny, rigid plastic tube that helps hold the ureter open so that urine can drain from kidney into bladder. Unlike catheter or PCNL drain tube, this tube is completely within the body and doesn’t require external bag to collect urine.


It is immensely important to address kidney issues like kidney stones that affects your life, therefore visiting a Urologist is utmost necessary. Dr. Pragnesh Bharpoda is one of the best kidney specialist in Vadodara.

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